Human Kidney Injury Panel Service


Kidney function can be altered by injury, drug toxicity, or renal failure. Research is expanding to detect changes in kidney function before they become apparent and to achieve specificity and early detection of kidney injury. Many protein markers have been studied in association with kidney injury. GSTα levels allow analysis of proximal tubular function and injury. Calbindin is a biomarker of acute kidney injury. Urinary levels of cohesin can be used to differentiate between glomerular and tubular injury and also to assess the severity and progression of kidney injury. KIM-1 can be detected in acute kidney injury, and VEGF levels may be elevated when renal function is impaired following hypoxia or other acute and chronic injury.

Creative Proteomics offers several optional Luminex Human Kidney Injury Panels to study multiple biomarkers of kidney injury in serum, plasma, urine and cell supernatant for a more sensitive and rapid approach to identifying specific regions of kidney injury.

We base on Luminex xMAP technology to achieve ideal speed and sensitivity for simultaneous quantification of multiple analytes, significantly increasing productivity and saving valuable sample volumes.

Detection Method

Magnetic bead-based Luminex multiplex assay



Analytes Detected

SpeciesSpecificationSampleProtein TargetsPrice
HumanHuman Kidney Injury 3-plex PanelUrineRBP4, Uromodulin, β-2-Microglobulin+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury 6-plex PanelUrineCalbindin, Clusterin, GST-pi, IL-18, KIM-1, MCP-1+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury 6-plex PanelUrineAlbumin, B2M, CystatinC, NGAL, Osteopontin, TFF3+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury 7-plex PanelUrineAlbumin, Clusterin, CystatinC, EGF, NGAL, Osteopontin (OPN), α-1-Microglobulin+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury 11-plex PanelUrineCalbindin, CollagenIV, FABP1, GSTα, GSTπ, IP-10/CXCL10, KIM-1, Osteoactivin, Renin, TFF-3, TIMP-1+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury Hormone 4-plex PanelSerum/PlasmaClusterin, CystatinC, RBP4, β-2-Microglobulin+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury Hormone 7-plex PanelSerum/PlasmaCollagenlV, GSTπ, NGA, Osteoactivin, TIMP-1, Uromodulin, alpha-1-Microglobulin+Inquiry
HumanHuman Kidney Injury Hormone 8-plex PanelSerum/PlasmaEGF, FABP1, GSTα, IP-10/CXCL10, KIM-1, Osteopontin (OPN), PTH, Renin+Inquiry

Service Features

  • 96-well plate design for batch detection of multiplexed factors up to 80 samples
  • High sensitivity, as low as pg/mL
  • Multi-factor assays performed with 50 μL liquid sample and 200 μg total protein
  • Suitable for serum/plasma, culture supernatants, cells, tissue lysates
  • Maximized information in a single sample and cross-analysis allowed between analytes
  • Run your assay in just 3-5 hours
  • Mass-calibrated standards for consistent results with every new lot of material

Service Features

Application of Kidney Injury Hormone Panel

  • Multiplexed protein assays
  • Relative protein expression assays
  • Detection of cytokine expression patterns
  • Biomarker screening
  • Identification of key factors
  • Confirmation of biological processes
* For Research Use Only. Do Not use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Online Inquiry
